by Maulana T | Feb 6, 2020 | SEO Blog
SEO learning rules are 80% Practice & 20% Learning. The rule requires you to practice more than learning SEO. Why should it be like that? Surely you will ask why you should practice more than study. As you practice more, you will know better how to understand SEO techniques, or you can know more about how to implement SEO and how to learn SEO easily. So it helps you create a better seo strategy in the future.
More practice will create a feel that can help you understand what SEO is and how it works. That way you can understand SEO faster. When you have started to understand SEO through practice you just need to learn new SEO knowledge, and still, you have more practice than theory.
Improve the learning process without having to look for methodological shortcuts. From here you have to know which SEO learning process is lacking in you, Don’t do the methodology or look for the truth of your learning process that is wrong.
Don’t focus on just one SEO technique, so you forget if there are still many techniques that must be learned. You must know which technique that can be mastered quickly and which one that takes a lot of your time.
Of course, you must understand and identify the learning process that you are using, which should be replaced or which should be kept. When you can implement this you will be able to understand SEO for beginners easily. It’s because SEO techniques are broad, therefore you need to improve your way to be able to make your learning process becomes faster.
Nowadays there are many different ways of working, between SEO experts A and SEO experts B have different ways of learning SEO. So from here, you should be able to focus on the SEO techniques that you are working on. Remember that SEO techniques are very broad, so choose SEO techniques that you think are easy to implement and understand.
by Maulana T | Feb 5, 2020 | SEO Blog
Keyword research is something that must be understood and learned by beginners. Keyword research is your main key to getting traffic on your website. Keyword research is a way to find out whether a keyword has a lot of searches or not and find out how the keyword search competition is. The higher the competition makes the keywords will be difficult to be conquered to be on page one, so you can know which keywords to use when creating an article for your seo strategy.
If you ignore this, then you can just write articles with topics that have no search or low search volume. Surely you are surprised, even though the article you wrote is ranked 1, but from the results do not get traffic. Surely you ask why? That is why Keyword Research is very important.
Aside from keyword research, content marketing is an effort that aims to provide benefits to users who have the goal of increasing brand awareness or making users become more familiar with your business. Content marketing is not much different from SEO, so you can learn the Implementation of SEO and Content Marketing at the same time. If you want to be able to master Content Marketing, you must understand how to create quality content for users, due to this is the core of content marketing.
Here are some parts of content marketing that you must know:
Prioritizing Quality Content
Quality of this content including the relevance of the title and content, Information provided, etc. Now you can create content that is liked by users.
Content quantity is not very important
You definitely feel that the quantity and quality of the content are inversely proportional. However, the truth is quality is more important than quantity in SEO. Unfortunately, some website owners tend to be focused on quantity so the quality of their contents decreased.
Focus on the content that you create
You must focus on the content that you create so you can more easily create quality content. Stay focused on your goal of creating content, and don’t think of the quantity of your content too much.
by Maulana T | Feb 4, 2020 | SEO Blog
The first way to learn to understand SEO is by knowing the fundamentals of SEO. By understanding the basics of SEO, you become more easily understand search engine optimization strategy. Well, you should know about SEO Basics first, so what are some of the fundamentals of SEO?
a. Basic SEO Concepts
The essence of SEO is how to be the best for the keywords you want. Of course, when you search for information on the internet you will find websites that are relevant to the information you are looking for. Now from here, you can think about what users are looking for when visiting your website.
The article you write must be relevant or following the keywords you want, and you need some things such as:
The content presented. Here the content becomes the basis and core in SEO. Articles must be relevant and following the targeted keywords. The content must be good too.
Structure and Navigation. The structure and navigation of the website must be clear because this becomes the main part or basic concept of SEO that must be applied. Clear structure and navigation will make it easy for Google to crawl your website.
User Satisfaction. This is one of the things that can judge your website quality. Therefore customer satisfaction and user experience must be considered.
Popularity. You must make your website becomes as well-known as possible.
b. On-Page SEO
For those of you who want to learn SEO for Beginners, you must understand about On-page SEO. Seo OnPage is a search engine optimization that is on a website/blog that is done on the inside, and it can be interpreted as a way of optimizing a website that is directly related to an optimized website.
c. Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO is an optimization of external factors that are not directly related to the website. So Off-Page SEO is the opposite of On-Page SEO which is optimization within the website.
by Maulana T | Feb 3, 2020 | SEO Blog
If your website has good content but minimal visitors, then that is just as meaningless. You have to make sure that the website is able to attract visitors, asking to keep them there for a long time. There are many things you can do to bring in and manage traffic, especially if you hire some of the best custom seo services.
First of all, here are three things you must know about SEO traffic:
Traffic Quality
For business websites, more website visitors change their status to buyers, and it improves the quality of traffic on the website. You can use conversion rates to indicate the quality of your website traffic. The quality itself depends on the type and purpose of the business, but 5% can already be determined as a good conversion rate.
Good traffic is also created by website visitors to find out the products that you offer. If you sell smartphones, for example, people who want to buy fruits are not your target.
Amount of Traffic
Traffic is very important. However, the amount of traffic remains the most basic thing. The traffic is calculated based on the number of visitors who enter and access the site. However, there are still many things that need to be opened and monitored, such as site visitors, page views, and duration of visits.
All previously agreed matters do not need to be calculated by manual methods. You can use tools to analyze website traffic.
Organic Traffic (Not Paid)
The type of traffic supported by most website owners is organic traffic. Apart from being free, organic traffic can also bring in more site visitors or even conversions.
For example, some internet users type certain keywords in the search bar, then click on the link asking for search results. Traffic through these links is referred to as organic traffic.
Even though it looks easy, the competition for organic traffic is tight. Therefore, you must implement good SEO to get satisfying results.
by Maulana T | Feb 1, 2020 | SEO Blog
Keyword optimization is an SEO technique for optimizing the function of keywords on a web page with the aim of increasing your website’s ranking in search engines. If you want to get maximum results in search engines, we need to organize keywords in the article properly and correctly. You need to know some important things when you optimize your keywords for your search engine optimization.
There are ways to write keywords properly, such as:
Writing keywords in the title. The title is the main factor of all search results in search engines, search engines like Google always place the title tag in the main search results. Therefore you must make sure to use keywords in the title of your article. The purpose of this on-page SEO technique is to optimize your keywords in the most important and crucial part of the page, which is the title or article title and it can usually be seen in the browser title bar that you are using. The general rule in making a quality title is: not too long, not too short (min 40-60 characters), including the main keywords and mixt them with additional keywords, and they must be relevant between the title with the content. So it’s easy for potential visitors to understand it and it attracts search engine users to visit your site.
Then, you must write keywords on the permalink. Permalink is a format that is behind our domain. Permalink has good value if keywords are inserted in it. In other words, permalink can increase the level of relevance of your article. It’s because with this permalink has a big effect on SEO articles besides the title tag. How to optimize keywords on permalink is to use keywords in Anchor Text, then mixt the keywords with a few words to make anchor text.
After that, you need to write keywords in the description. The description is a summary of the contents of the article that we made. Writing a good description usually consists of 150 to 160 words. This summary of search results will have good value for search engines. The level of accuracy will be a plus if you always place keywords in the description.